Should My partner and i Price Holy bible during my College Essay?

Should I quote Bible in my college essay?

Some students are asking this question. Let’s take a look at some of the answers that can be found online.

First, I would say you should not quote Bible in your college essay. If you are a student in a Bible-believing home and would like to make reference to it in your college essay, you should just not use any word that mentions God or faith.

This essay proofreading service could be quite difficult to do. Most students probably do not want to offend their parents by discussing God or faith in a casual manner. If you wish to quote scripture, use the direct wording found in the actual scripture.

For example, many people believe the Biblical concept of sin is quite complex. They believe that if they are caught saying something that might seem offensive or unwise, they may not be so appreciated in their family and society. The Bible itself is written in such a way that you cannot beat around the bush when you are dealing with any biblical concept.

Second, you should not make reference to your parents when you are writing an essay about your religion or belief. It is true that it is difficult for college students to come out and openly express their opinions about religion. However, the fact remains that you should not mention your parents if you do not want to.

In my opinion, this is one of the most unwise things to do because many college students are not comfortable talking about religion when they are out of their comfort zone

Many parents want their children to get along and may never want to know the truth about any subject that their child is having difficulties with. There is also the possibility that they will lose their close relationship with their child if they find out the truth.

Third, many college students are afraid to admit that they do not know much about their religion. They feel like they are not worthy of quoting from the Bible.

This is understandable because as a matter of fact, there are many students who will not even try to understand the passages of scripture that are found in the Bible. Instead, they will simply quote scripture and say that the student said it.

Fourth, most college students do not know what a good English writer is. They usually just quote the Bible as if it were an encyclopedia.

Fifth, most college students do not know how to make sense of all the information that is in the Bible. They either just leave all the information out or they ignore the important details.

Sixth, college students are often very eager to write about themselves. Therefore, they will quote the Bible as if it were a novel.

In essence, if you cannot be honest with yourself about the truth about your own beliefs, you certainly cannot be honest with someone else. So, do not quote the Bible in your college essay.

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